
To develop their sensorial and muscular skills, we are enhancing the streams of Montessori, Play way Method , Activity Oriented Tasks, with equipped park facilities to promote Psychomotor skills.

The following subjects are taught in the KG section.

  1. English
  2. Malayalam
  3. EVS
  4. Mathematics

For achieving academic excellence the students are getting the most modern technological instructional aid of smart class.

Nurturing positivity and stimulating problem solving ability are increased among this level of students .

The following are common subjects taught from I - X.

  1. English
  2. Malayalam
  3. Mathematics

Class III and IV have ABACUS

Class IV and V have General Science and Social Science

For classes VI and X the following subjects are included in the course of studies.

  1. Chemistry
  2. Physics
  3. Biology
  4. Geography
  5. History
  6. Civics

Other subjects for class I to VII include

  1. Moral Science
  2. General Knowledge
  3. Hindi
  4. Computer Science
  5. English Grammer

Other subjects for class VIII to X include

  1. Moral Science
  2. Computer Science
  3. English Grammer

Extra subjects include Music, Dance,PT, Abacus