St.Mary's English Medium School located in Narippil,Pappanamcode P.O is a Co-Educational Secondary School institution affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Provisional basis since 1986. The school has been operating officially under the trust/society Jyothi Province Of Kothamangalam,Sacred Heart Congregation. The school is equipped with 12 class rooms and all essential facilities. If you're looking for details in admission/application forms, fees, school timings, vacations/holidays schedule or facilities provided, kindly visit the relevant department of the school.
With in the upper school students are challenged to achieve academically, to exercise leadership to participate in co-curricular activities that enhance their understanding of their own talents, to share their gift with others and to position themselves for success at the school or university level or future higher studies.
The mission of the St. Mary’s CBSE School is to promote academic excellence within a challenging supportive and moral environment that fosters the development of mind, body and spirit. Standing like a burning candle forever in the World shown the light.
“Gain wisdom for future”